Websharper SAFE Stack Learning Material

Hello & Thank You for taking the time a reviewing this without prejudice:

  • Out of curiosity, is there a proper video tutorial or a textual one for either of those frameworks? I am a bit old fashioned that way and not a big fan of DoJos!!!

  • Incidently which one has better learning material and community support?

Sometimes I really do wish we had extensive and updated video tutorial on Udemy or Pluralsight or whatever. It would make life much easier and improve adoption by a lot.


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I checked several code snippets on Try.WebSharper as well as the first piece of WebSharper code in Expert F# 4.0 (D. Syme). A common pattern is that they do not work due to changes in APIs that are not reflected in documentation at all.

// 1- LineChartConfiguration is not defined. 
// 2- An alternative is the Option static method but no API documentation exists so do we  
//    have guess the parameter list/names and types, etc?!
ChartJs.LineChartConfiguration(PointDot = false, BezierCurve = true, DatasetFill = false)
\\ 1- spanAttr is not defined. Cannot find any documentation or alternatives
\\ 2- all elements of a list must be implicitly convertible to the type of the first 
\\    element, which here is an Attr. But span [ text c.Name ] has type 'a->Doc
div [ spanAttr [ "width:20px; height:20px;\
                 + color.ToString()
                 |> attr.style ] []
      span [ text c.Name ] ]) 

The snippets on Try.WebSharper are peppered with problems like this.