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A roundup of F# content from this past week:
- Announcing ML.NET 1.2 and Model Builder updates (Machine Learning for .NET)
- Surfacing GitHub Usage for packages on
- Microbenchmark Design Guidelines
- Add mono.wasm support for threads
- Haskell - An Experience Summary
- MSBuild Binary and Structured Log Viewer
Videos & Slides
- F# MonoGame Platform Game Series: - Converting to side view, new tile set and collision detection - Dave Thomas
- Geometric Algebra and Quantum Technology - Andrew Willshire
- GraphQL: May the Best API Win! - Jorge Gueorguiev Garcia
- Fabulous: Functional programming for cross-platform mobile apps - Don Syme
- Live stream, July 22: Introduction to the Elm Architecture with Elmish in F# and Fable
- Seven tips for working with F# scripts - Compositional IT
- Home Grown IoT - Simple DevOps - Aaron Powell
- Git-based versioning using FAKE - Arthur Rump
- Creating beautiful Xamarin Forms apps using Atomic Design, F# and Fabulous - Mark Allibone
- Executing .NET Core functions in a separate process - Tom Deseyn
- WIP: [RFC FS-1043] Extension members visible to trait constraints
- New language suggestions:
- ionide/Ionide-vim - F# Vim plugin based on FsAutoComplete and LSP protocol
- aaronpowell/DisappointinglyAttributed - Express just how dissapointed you are with others code through attributes!
- TheAngryByrd/Marten.FSharp - A set of FSharp wrappers around Marten
- nojaf/fable-reactstrap - Fable binding for reactstrap
- ajwillshire/FSharpGA - An implemention of Geometric Algebra in F#
- FStarLang/fstar-mode.el - Emacs support for F*
New Releases
That’s all for now. Have a great week.
Previous F# Weekly edition – #28, 2019