Welcome to F# Weekly,
Take F# to another level with end-to-end web apps through our SAFE Training course!
A roundup of F# content from this past week:
- The Evolving Infrastructure of .NET Core
- Visual Studio tips and tricks
- Windows Terminal (Preview)
- Scaling from 2,000 to 25,000 engineers on GitHub at Microsoft
Videos & Slides
- Applicatives IRL - Jérémie Chassaing
- The anatomy of the F# tools for Visual Studio - Phillip Carter
- Event Sourcing DIY S2E3 - Query Handler Part 1 - Roman Sachse
- The Functional Toolkit - Scott Wlaschin
- Cultures of programming - Tomas Petricek
- Zeeshan Siddiqui - ML.NET
- Dylan Beattie and the Linebreakers - Live at NDC Oslo 2019
- All .NET Summit 2019 Videos
- F# Linear algebra with type-level dimensions and static checks - Sylvester
- Efficiently At: Purge Duplicated Fillpatterns - Chen, Ching-Hua
- C# – The good parts - Sam Williams
- Compilation Model Prototype - Information / Discussion / Proposed Plans
- New language suggestions:
- cmeeren/Elmish.WPF.Dynamic - A dynamic Elmish UI library for WPF
- Zaid-Ajaj/Giraffe.GoodRead - Practical dependency injection in Giraffe that gets out of your way
- Zaid-Ajaj/Femto - Femto is a CLI tool that manages npm packages used by Fable bindings
- yatli/coc-fsharp - coc.nvim integration for fsharp-language-server
- torhovland/blazor-redux - Connecting a Redux state store with Blazor.
- CompositionalIT/SAFE-Dojo - An introductory dojo to learn how to develop full stack web applications in F#
- whitetigle/fable-redis - Fable bindings for redis.js
- Ionide 4.0
- Flora.CssProvider 0.6.1
- FsLibLog 0.2.0
- NBomber v0.12.0
- XamarinForms.Reactive.FSharp
That’s all for now. Have a great week.
Previous F# Weekly edition – #25, 2019>