2020 Election Campain: Phillip Carter

Who am I

My name’s Phillip Carter, and I’m a dork who’s been working on F# at Microsoft for the past 4 years. I’m responsible primarily for the “direction” of the F# language, tooling, and general emphasis. Though I’m not the only one who decides things, I am ultimately the “owner” of where we take F# as a product. I also like to dive into the F# codebase from time to time to improve things.

I also help maintain some F# libraries in my spare time, and generally enjoy being immersed in community spaces with other F# developers. Sometimes this is helping people out, sometimes it’s giving an opinion about something, and sometimes it’s getting feedback about things I’d like to do. There’s definitely a blending of my work responsibilities and the things I do in my free time, which is partially why I’ve been on the FSSF board for the past few years.

When not at the computer, you can find me on a bike during the summer, a snowboard during the winter, and in the kitchen cooking cool stuff with my awesome wife. I’m also starting to learn Korean.

Why I’d like to be on the board

I am seeking re-election largely because I feel that I have developed good relationships with other board members and other members of the FSSF community, and that I can use these to continue doing good things for the overall F# community. I view the position on the board as a commitment to the F# community where I take actions in service towards the FSSF goals. Although I could do many things without being a board member, it’s the commitment that matters. Additionally, as a board member I’ve been able to exercise my right to vote on using FSSF funds to help fledgling communities. I believe that my most important role is to help empower other F# users to create community spaces, and if that requires a little bit of money I’m almost always going to be in favor of helping them.

I also developed a very strong sense of care for the F# community when the board had to handle an incident involving an F# user submitting death threats to other F# users in the month leading up to OpenFSharp. I’m proud of how everyone on the board collaborated to ensure peoples’ safety at OpenFSharp - even if though was ultimately unnecessary - and I want to continue being in a position where I can be more than just a bystander when someone does something that necessitates action.

My principles as a board member are:

  • Help people in the greater F# community feel empowered to create and grow their own community spaces
  • Help people understand F# and .NET behavior, especially as beginners
  • Contribute to efforts that help with broader F# adoption
  • Dedicate personal time to maintaining and improving F# libraries that people depend on

Some of the ways I will act on these principles concretely are:

  • Voting to sponsor events and tickets for events where F# is concerned, especially if it is a first-time conferences
  • Being active in community spaces and paying attention to questions that would otherwise be difficult for others to answer (e.g., F# preview behavior): the FSSF slack, F# StackOverflow, F# Subreddit, Twitter, etc.
  • Participate in a new “dugnad” series Don Syme established to improve the F# web presence on fsharp.org, wikipedia, and other high-volume websites
  • Improve XPlot to align with .NET Interactive, allow for exporting charts as images, and releasing updates from community contributions; completing a .NET Standard 2.0-only revamp of the Type Provider SDK and working with other community members to improve their type providers

As always, I intend on being responsive, transparent, and open about things. I also intend on being as present as possible in the FSSF slack for anyone to chat with about stuff.

Thanks for the consideration!


Is there any information about the election? For example, who can vote, who are the existing members etc. I haven’t seen any mention of an election, apart from these few campaign messages.

Hi Daniel,
You can find an outline of the process here:

As for the existing board members, here is the current board:


Thank you @mathias.brandewinder!