Websharper or SAFE for new project ? [edited]


I’m looking at what stack to use to develop a web app in F#. I’d probably want to develop an API (possible REST) later on too.

I see two options: websharper and the SAFE stack. Anyone having experiences with and advices on those two? Based on your experience, what are the strengths and weaknesses of each?

Is websharper still relevant in the F# community? Is it still lively ? (last activity on gitter chat dates from 5 october)

Or is there a third way?
Looking forward to reading your answers!


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I have been using SAFE stack and I would recommend it. I have developed a web app and mobile app using the same REST apis and it has been a good experience so far.

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(A bit old, but worth adding another reply, for the record)

I don’t have much experience with SAFE, which is why I landed here. However, I do have experience with WebSharper on a large application for the last 2.5 years.

WebSharper documentation is not the best to get you started. You are better off downloading their sample projects and having a play, or using their Try-online.

They also provide VisualStudio templates. These are really good. The value of WebSharper over SAFE is that WebSharper takes care of the server-side, and the client-side. Effectively, it does what the “S”, “F” and “E” stand for.

  • [ S aturn] for back-end services in F#
  • [ A zure] as a hosting platform plus associated platform services
  • [ F able] for running F# in the web browser (although technically, they trans compile to JS)
  • [ E lmish] for client-side user interfaces

One can also download their source code. It is really good to learn about F#, if you are new to it, as I was when I started working on the app.

Another selling point is that Adam Granicz is the heavily invested in WebSharper. The same Granicz in the Expert F# series.

I’m about to start a toy project in SAFE. that will give me a better perspective to be able to compare both technologies.


Thanks @cartoro . I really like the technology brought by Websharper, but I miss a community around it. I hope you can post your experience with SAFE to share a comparison based on experience with both technologies!