Web Framework Benchmarks

In case you are curious, a new benchmark appeared, and I was able to enter several F# frameworks for comparison. The benchmark is really simple at present, but I think their plans are to increase the complexity over time to show a more real-world use case than something like the TechEmpower benchmarks which are typically optimized for performance. The F# frameworks are holding their own pretty well, especially when compared with vanilla ASP.NET Core.


Also, I cannot seem to stop from chanting, “Go! Go! Go! Go!” silently to myself while reading through the list, particularly in this section.

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I’m very interested in seeing what giraffe and saturn do when the EndpointRouting-based-handlers work merges in! One thing that’s unclear to me in these benchmarks is the gap between giraffe and saturn, as saturn’s own testing shows that it’s a very very small delta between them for common use cases:

25h|      Method | Categories |     Mean |   Error |  StdDev | Ratio | RatioSD |
25h|------------ |----------- |---------:|--------:|--------:|------:|--------:|
25h|   SaturnGet |        GET | 258.9 us | 5.04 us | 8.13 us |  0.99 |    0.03 |
25h|  GiraffeGet |        GET | 262.8 us | 5.21 us | 7.31 us |  1.00 |    0.00 |
25h|             |            |          |         |         |       |         |
25h|  SaturnGetf |       GETF | 290.3 us | 5.76 us | 6.86 us |  1.07 |    0.04 |
25h| GiraffeGetf |       GETF | 273.6 us | 5.30 us | 4.96 us |  1.00 |    0.00 |
25h|             |            |          |         |         |       |         |
25h|  SaturnPost |       POST | 270.1 us | 4.86 us | 5.60 us |  0.97 |    0.04 |
25h| GiraffePost |       POST | 280.3 us | 5.39 us | 7.38 us |  1.00 |    0.00 |
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