Question about preferences for record/DU declaration formatting


How do you prefer to declare records which have many fields?

The guidelines here GitHub - G-Research/fsharp-formatting-conventions: G-Research F# code formatting guidelines specify this as preferred:

type PostalAddress =
        Address : string
        City : string
        Zip : string

But the book “Stylish F#” says this is better:

type PostalAddress = {
        Address : string
        City : string
        Zip : string }

While the book “Get Programming with F#” uses:

type PostalAddress =
        { Address : string
          City : string
          Zip : string }

And there seems to be another suggestion here:

type PostalAddress = {
        Address : string
          City : string
          Zip : string

I had a quick look in the Fantomas code repo on GitHub and it seems to have a mix.

I can see some pros and cons for each but I was wondering which is more prevalent/preferred.


Along the same lines, I am finding myself having to define DUs where the fields have very long names and so can’t be easily held on one line, for instance:

type ThingWithLongNameDataRequest = 
    | Create 
    | Delete of 
            UserDefinedThingWithLongName : UserDefinedThingWithLongName 
    | Rename of 
            UserDefinedThingWithLongName : UserDefinedThingWithLongName 
            * NewName : string 
    | UpdateSomethingReallyImportant of 
            UserDefinedThingWithLongName : UserDefinedThingWithLongName 
            * NewSomethingReallyImportant : int 
    | UpdateSequenceType of 
            UserDefinedThingWithLongName : UserDefinedThingWithLongName * 
            NewSequenceType : ThingWithLongNameSequenceType
    | UpdateSegmentSomethingOrOther of 
            UserDefinedThingWithLongName : UserDefinedThingWithLongName * 
            ThingWithLongNameSegment : ThingWithLongNameSegment * 
            NewSomethingOrOther : SomethingOrOther

Is it better to put the ‘*’ at the start of the field definition (as with Rename above) or the end (as with the last two above)?

Again, I can see some pros and cons for each but was wondering if there were any major problems with either.