Optimise interface demo

Can the program below be optimised.
-For speed. (eg inline , how)
-Less boilerplate (eg wrapping functions).
Or is it ok as it is?

open System
open Xunit

type IAnimal =
    abstract member Name: string
    abstract member Talk: string -> unit

type Chicken(name: string) =
    member _.iName = name

    member _.iTalk(msg: string) =
        printfn $"My name is: {name}"
        printfn $"Cluck: {msg}"

    interface IAnimal with
        member this.Name = this.iName
        member this.Talk(msg: string) = this.iTalk (msg)

let animalFunction (a: IAnimal) : unit =
    printfn ("I am the animalFunction")
    printfn $"In the AnimalFunction i am called:  {a.Name}"
    a.Talk("Koekoek from animalFunction")

let main (args: string array) : int =
    printfn "Hello World \n"
    let c = Chicken("Clucky")
    c.iTalk ("Koekoek")
    c |> animalFunction

My first question would be: Do you need to use interfaces and classes?

I only ask as that could be re-written with Discriminated Unions and the code would be much easier to read and maintain.