Nested [<StructuredFormatDisplay>]

The [<StructuredFormatDisplay>] attribute of the Disk record is not correctly written (only a few dots appear in the console), when the Computer record is printed with printfn "%A" myPc. The output is:

Computer #1: Computers Inc./[...GB; ...GB; ...GB]

Is there anything else I need to say?
This is the code:

open System

type Disk = 
    { SizeGb : int }

[<StructuredFormatDisplay("Computer #{Id}: {Manufacturer}/{Disks}")>]
type Computer =
    { Id: int
      [<BsonIgnore>] Ignore : string
      Manufacturer: string
      Disks: Disk list }

let main argv =

    let myPc =
        { Id = 1
          Manufacturer = "Computers Inc."
          Disks =
            [ { SizeGb = 100 }
              { SizeGb = 250 }
              { SizeGb = 500 } ] }

    printfn "%A" myPc
    0 // return an integer exit code

It looks like perfectly valid code. Better to open an issue in visualfsharp repo.