Multiple regression in F# using mathnet.numerics.FSharp

i want to perform a multiple regression here and obtain the result without the intercept(betas only) which i believe is in vector challenge is when i want to take the vector results divided by the sum of the vector results it errors with overload.
secondly when trying to exclude the intercept too it doesn’t pick MultipleRegression.QR(x,y,false) .still not figuring out the issue.
any assistance will be appreciated.

let l list1=    [ [ 0.10; 0.2 ; 0.35; 0.14 ]
                   [ 0.5 ; 0.60; 0.76; 0.18 ]
                   [ 0.19; 0.10; 0.51; 0.32 ]
                  [ 0.13; 0.64; 0.95; 0.26 ] ]

let list2 = [ 0.1; 0.2; 0.3; 0.4 ]

open MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra
open MathNet.Numerics.LinearRegression

let x = list1 |> matrix
let y = list2 |> vector

let betas = MultipleRegression.QR(x,y) 
let result = betas/betas.sum

Sum() is a method so you have to add parentheses to use it:

let result = betas / betas.Sum()

For a second part of the Q. There is no such overload of QR that takes bool and matrices. You have to convert input data into arrays (or pass seq<'T[] * 'T>). See docs for additional info:

Multiple Regression