F# Weekly #47, 5 years of Ionide

Welcome to F# Weekly,

A roundup of F# content from this past week:


Videos and Slides


F# vNext

GitHub projects

  • Zaid-Ajaj/SAFE.React - Full Stack F# powered by ASP.NET Core on the backend and modern React on the frontend.
  • Zaid-Ajaj/Npgsql.FSharp.Analyzer - F# analyzer that provides embedded SQL syntax analysis, type-checking for parameters and result sets and nullable column detection when writing queries using Npgsql.FSharp.
  • matthewcrews/SliceMap - A Map-like data structure with slicing along dimensions
  • WalternativE/Silencer - An intelligent browser extension to silence toxic Twitter DMs powered by ML.NET, Bolero and .NET 5.
  • fsprojects/fsharp-ai-tools - TensorFlow API for F# + F# for AI Models eDSL
  • tomcl/issie - an intuitive cross-platform hardware design application.

New Releases

That’s all for now. Have a great week.

Previous F# Weekly edition – #46 2020