F# Weekly #43, 2021 - 9 years of F# Weekly, #FsAdvent 2021, F# eXchange 202, F# 6.0 and Hot Reload drama #fsharp

Welcome to F# Weekly,

This is an anniversary edition of F# Weekly! It's hard to believe, but I've been making weekly for 9 long years already, wow! This year I became the father of a wonderful girl who often takes part in the weekly creation 😜. Thank you for reading F# Weekly and supporting me. Please volunteer yourself for #FsAdvent, book a slot and your F# story.


A roundup of F# content from this past week:


Videos and Slides

F# eXchange 2021


F# vNext

Highlighted projects

New Releases


That’s all for now. Have a great week.

If you want to help keep F# Weekly going, click here to jazz me with Coffee!

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Hi Sergey, first of all, congratulations on becoming a father!
Second, I’d like to give you a huge thanks for providing the F# community with F# Weekly. I hope you will find time in your new family setting to continue the tradition. Thanks!

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Thank you Daniel! I’ll do my best.