Welcome to F# Weekly,
A roundup of F# content from this past week:
- F# 6 is officially here! - .NET Blog (microsoft.com)
- F# docs - get started, tutorials, reference. | Microsoft Docs
- Announcing .NET 6 - The Fastest .NET Yet - .NET Blog (microsoft.com)
- Announcing ASP.NET Core in .NET 6 - .NET Blog (microsoft.com)
- Welcome to C# 10 - .NET Blog (microsoft.com)
- Announcing YARP 1.0 Release - .NET Blog (microsoft.com)
- What’s New for Visual Basic in Visual Studio 2022 - .NET Blog (microsoft.com)
- Announcing .NET MAUI Preview 10 - .NET Blog (microsoft.com)
- Announcing dotnet monitor in .NET 6 - .NET Blog (microsoft.com)
- MSBuild and 64-bit Visual Studio 2022 - .NET Blog (microsoft.com)
- Visual Studio 2022 now available - Visual Studio Blog (microsoft.com)
- Visual Studio 2022 for Mac Preview 3, and Upcoming Native M1 Processor Support - Visual Studio Blog (microsoft.com)
- .NET 6 on App Service - Azure App Service
- Azure Functions 4.0 and .NET 6 support are now generally available - Microsoft Tech Community
- Full-stack .NET 6 Apps with Blazor WebAssembly and Azure Static Web Apps - Microsoft Tech Community
- Introducing the .NET Tech Community Forums - .NET Blog (microsoft.com)
Videos and Slides
- What's New in F# 6 - YouTube
- .NET Conf 2021 Keynote - YouTube
- What's new in C# 10 - YouTube
- New Blazor WebAssembly capabilities in .NET 6 - YouTube
- We're making F# more normal as a language, says its creator • The Register
- Making a spooky game with F# - Ben Carruthers
- F# ASP.NET Core Dockerfile - Logan Mortimer
- Performance for composition in F# - Jakob Christensen
- Assertfail by wallymathieu (gewalli.se)
- Fault handling in F# with Polly - Matt Gallagher
- Data Access in F# - Angel D. Munoz
- Accelerating Dictionary Lookup with Records as Keys | Matthew Crews
- F# Console App and Review of Tasks- Daniel B. Markham
F# vNext
- .NET 6 by slang25 · Pull Request #496 · giraffe-fsharp/Giraffe · GitHub
- Fabulous-new/goals-of-v2.md at main · TimLariviere/Fabulous-new · GitHub
- Adding support for Azure Functions (isolated) by Dzoukr · Pull Request #279 · Zaid-Ajaj/Fable.Remoting · GitHub
- F# Language suggestions:
Highlighted projects
- JordanMarr/FSharp.ChordParser: Parses and transposes a chord chart.
- Zaid-Ajaj/Fable.SimpleJson.Python: A library for working with JSON in F# Fable projects targeting Python
- NicoVIII/url-rotation-browser-extension: Browser extension to rotate through a set of given urls. Especially useful for screens.
- dredgy/fQuery: F# Clone of Jquery
New Releases
- Fable.Lit.Templates 1.0.0
- Ionide 5.9.0
- fsautocomplete 5.9.0
- FsToolkit.ErrorHandling 2.10.0
- NBomber v2.1.2
- fasmi 1.1.0
- EntityFrameworkCore.FSharp 6.0.2
- Deedle.RPlugin 2.5.0
- FusionTasks 2.5.0
- Epoxy 1.2.0
- Funcaster 1.1.0
- FsLibLog 0.8.0
- AltCover v8.2.828
That’s all for now. Have a great week.
If you want to help keep F# Weekly going, click here to jazz me with Coffee!