Welcome to F# Weekly,
A roundup of F# content from this past week:
- F# in Action (manning.com)
- .NET Conf: "Focus on MAUI" - August 9, 2022
- Announcing .NET 7 Preview 5 - .NET Blog (microsoft.com)
- ASP.NET Core updates in .NET 7 Preview 5 - .NET Blog (microsoft.com)
- New Resources to Get Started with .NET MAUI - .NET Blog (microsoft.com)
- Introducing the ML.NET Text Classification API (preview) - .NET Blog (microsoft.com)
- OneService Journey to .NET 6 - .NET Blog (microsoft.com)
- What’s New in Visual Studio: Make it Your Home - Visual Studio Blog (microsoft.com)
- Visual Studio for Mac 17.3 Preview 2 is now available - Visual Studio Blog (microsoft.com)
- Arm64 Visual Studio - Visual Studio Blog (microsoft.com)
Videos and Slides
- F# Weekly Reading - 2022.23 - YouTube
- Fast F# Topological Sort Part 04 - Branching and Cache Locality - YouTube
- Eric Potter on F# and .NET Interactive Notebooks - The 6 Figure Developer
- Merge Conflict: 308: James & Frank Go To Build 2022!
- Episode 37: Microsoft Build 2022 // The Unhandled Exception Podcast
- How to build Block Protocol blocks in any language – HASH for Developers
- Building a Dockerfile with F# - Akash Mair
F# vNext
- more open source funding available from Gitpod · Issue #1727 · ionide/ionide-vscode-fsharp (github.com)
- F# language suggestions:
Highlighted projects
- Zaid-Ajaj/Femto: Femto is a CLI tool that automatically resolves npm packages used by Fable bindings
- SilkyFowl/Avalonia.FuncUI.LiveView: Live fs/fsx previewer for Avalonia.FuncUI
- EluciusFTW/wordle-assistant: A CLI assisting you with your wordle struggles by suggesting words and helping you find words when you want to eliminate certain letters.
- JamesRandall/fsharp-wolfenstein: An F# port of the 1992 classic Wolfenstein 3D
New Releases
- Fantomas v5.0.0-alpha-006
- Fable 3.7.14
- Terminal.Gui.Elmish 0.1.7
- Snowflaqe v1.38
- Fable.SimpleHttp v3.3.0
- Feliz.SelectSearch v1.7.0
- Fable.SimpleJson v3.24.0
- NBomber v3.0.0-beta.10
- Avalonia.FuncUI.LiveView v0.0.1
That’s all for now. Have a great week.
If you want to help keep F# Weekly going, click here to jazz me with Coffee!