Welcome to F# Weekly,
A roundup of F# content from this past week:
- .NET Foundation Survey - .NET Usage
- Fable.Form is released
- Put a DPAD on that GC! | .NET Blog (microsoft.com)
- ASP.NET Core 6 and Authentication Servers | ASP.NET Blog (microsoft.com)
Videos and Slides
- Why Every Day as a Developer Would Be Easier with F#, by Urs Enzler - YouTube
- Hawaii: F# code generation from OpenAPI documents - Part 4 - YouTube
- JSON Deserialization in F# | Working with Questrade API Authentication | StonkWatch Ep.18 - YouTube
- Virtual ML .NET Community Conference 2021 - Day 2 - YouTube
- Languages & Runtime Community Standup - Source Generation in C# - YouTube
- Domain Modeling a Rental Management System - YouTube
- C# Source Generators in Action, by Andrey Dyatlov - YouTube
- Turbocharged: Writing High-performance C# and .NET code, by Steve Gordon - YouTube
- Debugging Tips and Tricks with #JetBrainsRider, by Joseph Guadagno - YouTube
- Creating AWS Lambda with F# and Fable - James Randall
- GitHub Actions and Azure - Deploying .NET Core code to Azure App Service - Chris Reddington
- Visual Studio 2022 is 64-bit - What does it mean? - Daily .NET Tips
- Feeling like a developer - Akash Mair
- Grokking Free Monads - Matt Thornton
F# vNext
- Updated: fslang-design/FS-1087-resumable-code.md
- Updated: [RFC FS-1087, FS-1097, FS-1098] tasks, resumable state machines, inline on parameters by dsyme
- New language suggestions
Highlighted projects
- houstonhaynes/fsharp_webparser - F# Azure Function : Meta pairs from a web page head
- Rfvgyhn/min-ed-launcher: Minimal Elite Dangerous Launcher
- Savelenko/functional-mvvm: A demo of a GUI application with an MVVM-like architecture where model and view model are purely functional.
- mjarosie/Fable.OidcClient: Fable binding for oidc-client-js javascript library
- freestylecoder/Math: F# math libraries for dealing with non-standard things
- dmannock/EventLocker: event locking in event sourced systems (enforces immutable events)
New Releases
That’s all for now. Have a great week.
If you want to help keep F# Weekly going, click here to jazz me with Coffee!