Hi, excuse me, how do I eliminate the seq expression with only Seq.xxxx in the next code block?
let test () =
let rec ttc c =
yield c
yield! (ttc <| c + 1I)
ttc 0Ilet y = test ()
y |> Seq.take 5 |> Seq.map (fun bi → int bi)
Hi, excuse me, how do I eliminate the seq expression with only Seq.xxxx in the next code block?
let test () =
let rec ttc c =
yield c
yield! (ttc <| c + 1I)
ttc 0Ilet y = test ()
y |> Seq.take 5 |> Seq.map (fun bi → int bi)
Do you mean replace ttc
to built-in function from Seq
module? If so, take a look to the Seq.unfold
Seq.unfold (fun state -> Some(state, state + 1I)) 0I
Thanks so much!
By the way, is it possible not to use mutable variable/ref/expression builder to achieve unfold in a simple way?
let unfold f x : IEnumerator<_> =
let state = ref x
{ new MapEnumerator<_>() with
member this.DoMoveNext curr =
match f !state with
| None -> false
| Some(r,s) ->
curr <- r
state := s
member this.Dispose() = ()
It is possible, unfold
can be implemented as recursive function:
let rec unfold f state =
match f state with
| Some (y, state2) -> Seq.append (Seq.singleton y) (Seq.delay (fun () -> unfold f state2))
| None -> Seq.empty
(Note use of Seq.delay
, without it we got infinite loop.)
Mutable in Seq.unfold
is used for performance reasons to avoid unnecessary allocations.
This is so so so cool!! Marvelous!!
Thank you so much!!
Now I got my test without seq expression…
let test () =
let rec ttc c =
Seq.append (seq[c]) (Seq.delay (fun () -> ttc (c + 1)))
ttc 0
let y = test ()
y |> Seq.item 5